Applications written in c# requires the .NET framework to be
installed to run the application.
Binding code and data together into a single unit is known
as encapsulation. Take a television to watch the programs on tv users should only
do the action like on, off or mute etc .But internal details of electricity
circuit are hidden from the user. It is called encapsulation. That means end
users should only call the methods to work with data. Data should not be directly
handles from the end user.
Hiding internal details and focusing only essential functionality
is known as abstraction .For example to
create student class there may be many
properties but we focus only on student no, sname, mark etc.
When one object acquires all the properties and behaviors of
parent objects is known as inheritance.
Inheritance is the mechanism by which one object requires
some/all properties of another object.
Polymorphism means to process objects
differently based on their type.
Multiple methods can have same name but which
implementation to be used is decided at runtime depending upon the situation.
o.k oops concepts over. But note
one thing c# is called as component oriented application .
what is component oriented language?
A software is divided in to no of
component is developed and then joined. For example we know that there is a
spell checker in Ms-word. It is a separate component developed separately and
made to work with ms-word .In available
languages c# is the best component oriented
-will continue(Muthu karthikeyan)
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