Thursday, 6 July 2017

ASP.NET lesson-4

                                                                Muthu karhikeyan,Madurai lesson-3

c sharp lesson-6

The programming c# is derived from c and c++.
It is a modern programming language.It simplifies and modernise the concepts in c++ like method overloading, classes, namespaces and exception handling.complexity concepts in c++ have beed removed from c#.
For example multiple inheritance has been removed in c#..At the same time new features like type safety,versioning,garbage collectors have been added in c#.


C# is a simple language. Pointers concepts is not available in c#.Unsafe operations like direct memory manipulation have been removed.converting from value type variable into object and the object convert in to valuetype is available in c#. this concept is called boxing and unboxing. Data types like integer and boolean are separate datatypes in c#.


Decimal data type which take memory upto 16 bytes have been added ijn c#. in c# you don’t haveto write coding for cleaning the memory used by objects. In c# there uis a mechanism called as garbage collector is available now. It will run when ever objects goes out of use and cleans the memory used by objects.


C# suppotrs all the major concepts of object oriented programming like encapsulation, abstraction, inheriance and polymorphism. There are no global functions,variables and constants. The methods defined on classes are non-virtual by default. That means they can not be over ridden in derived classes.c# supports the private,public,protected and internal  access modifiers. C# provides a new concept called delegates similar to function pointer in c#.


Uninitialized variables can not be used .the compiler take care of member variables to zeroing them. Programmer has the responsibity for local variables.c# provides check for bounds of an array for example you can not write a array with size of five and access  the sixth element of that array.reference parameters are tyope safe.


Multiple applications installl different versions of the same DLL to the computer.As a result some times the application workds and sometimes not working.c# provides with the concept of versioning through which developers can retain the binary compatibility of applications with the existing client applications.

Although c# doesn’t support pointers  we can use pointers by declaring them as unsafe code. This provides the flexibity to c language
                  -Muthu karthikeyan,Madurai
919629329142 lesson-2


Muthu karthikeyan, Madurai. lesson-1

 is the subset of .net framework. ASP.NET is the successor to classic ASP.
other technologies can be used to build web applications.
3.Ruby on nails
4. perl
.NET  is language independent, which means you can use any .net supported language to make .NET application.

The most common language for writing ASP.NET applications are c# and

Classic ASP/PHP are interpreted languages while is a compiled language.

PHP  web applications can be hosted in Linux as well as window servers, while web sites can only be hosted on window servers.
The programming logic and content can be developed separetly in ASP.NET.
.NET frame work:

The .net frame work include a set of standard class libraries. The most common library used for web applications is web library. Web library has all the necessary components used to develop .net web based applications.

What is CLR?

CLR activities include :
1.       Exception handling
2.       Garbage collection.

   -------------Muthu karthikeyan,Madurai.